What we do

Through our global presence and partner ecosystem, we provide strategic IT consulting services to align IT services with customers' business goals.


Technology :
Vendor :
Vendor Agnostic

Extended detection and response (XDR) is a natural extension of the endpoint detection and response (EDR) concept, in which behaviors that occur after threat prevention controls act are further inspected and looking for signs that may be potentially malicious, suspicious, or pose a risk that needs to be addressed through mitigation measures. The distinction between EDR and XDR lies primarily in the scope of where these behaviors are observed—either at the endpoint or across the broader digital environment. XDR solutions have gained popularity as organizations have come to realize the limitations and, in many cases, ineffectiveness of security infrastructures that incorporate numerous standalone security products from different vendors over time. These challenges include security gaps, information overload, and uncoordinated responses. XDR addresses these issues by offering a unified platform for comprehensive threat detection and response, minimizing security gaps, streamlining data management, and facilitating coordinated incident responses.


  • Endpoint-XDR Deployment Plan
  • Endpoint-XDR Incident Reports
  • Endpoint-XDR Configuration Guidelines
  • Endpoint-XDR Alert Prioritization Policy
  • Endpoint-XDR Threat Intelligence Feeds