What we do

Through our global presence and partner ecosystem, we provide strategic IT consulting services to align IT services with customers' business goals.

Forensics & Incident Response

Technology :
Vendor :
Vendor Agnostic

Digital forensics involves the post-event investigation and identification of cyber-attacks or malicious incidents. Applying validated scientific techniques to digital crimes and cyber-attacks to uncover or create a chain of evidence. Our experts involve, collecting and examining user activity, logs and other digital evidence to determine the source of malicious activity. Our expert incident response team is available to help your IT teams during active incident. When a security incident is elevated in your environment, we will investigate the incident, and remediate with no delays, so you can get back to normal business operations as quickly as possible. As part of the incident response plan, it's essential for the company to assess potential attacks based on the unique business, assets, and infrastructure. After that they create a plan to be executed if an incident is reported, this plan should be tested regularly to provide reports to the accountants named in the Incident response plan and explain the roles and responsibilities.


  • Incident Response Plan
  • Digital Forensic Investigation Report
  • Incident Response Playbook
  • Chain of Custody Documentation
  • Forensic Analysis Tools